May on Yogobe – time for transformation

01 May 2021 | By Yogobe

Welcome beautiful month of May! This month we are inspired by nature's magnificent transformation, all the buds that bloom. Examine your relationship to change - and find the motivation to make the changes that make you more YOU.

Change - a natural part of life

"There is nothing permanent except change." – Heraclitus

That change is a natural and constant part of life has been stated by several philosophers and thinkers, such as the philosopher Heraclitus, whose quotation is mentioned above, and the Buddha, who speaks of anicca - the impermanence of life. Whether you perceive it or not, everything is constantly changing - the environment, the weather, the economy, technology, society, culture, your friends and family - and you too.

What is your relationship to change? For some people, the thought of constant and infinite change is frightening, while others have a hard time imagining a life without change. The sooner you can begin to accept, embrace and seek change, the faster you can begin to enjoy the natural process of life. There are so many opportunities out there waiting to be discovered.

You can not change the fact that change will take place, but you can adjust your view and attitude to it to live a happier and richer life. Of course, the resistance only grows the more we ignore the need for change. And it does not always have to be the big changes that are the most life-changing. Eating more vegetables, trying a new form of exercise, starting to meditate in the morning instead of scrolling on your mobile phone are examples of small changes that can lead to positive consequences for your health and well-being.

What's happening on Yogobe in May?

In May, we have collected videos and playlists to inspire you to train and be present in nature. In the blog, you will be able to read posts from, among others, Karl Dyall, Magnus Hagström and Cecilia Gustafsson in Team Yogobe. You will also be able to enjoy new forest bathing classes with Cecilia, new classes with Hillevi Borga for osteoarthritis and seniors and dance and tabata classes with Team Yogobe's latest addition Frida Lindgren Karlsson in the video library.

9 tips to embrace change

  • Remember that change is inevitable, normal and necessary – maybe you want to use this sentence (or a similar one) as an affirmation? Repeat it as often as self-doubt or resistance to change arises.
  • What is in your control? – assess your situation and write a list of which elements are within your control and which are outside your control. What emotions come up when you see the things that are in your control on your list? When you are sitting with what is "out of your control", you may ask yourself, "Is there anything I can let go of? Ask for help?"
  • Maintaining routines and rituals for self-love – while things are changing in life, it can be helpful to stick to rituals and routines for self-love that grounds and support you. It can be anything from walking, yoga and exercise to a quiet cup of tea in the evening. What's on your self-love list?
  • Focus on your resilience – every change will bring some discomfort. As you face this discomfort and learn new things about yourself, you become stronger, wiser, and more resilient. With the help of body scanning, you can explore where the resistance lives in your body.
  • Celebrate your progress – every change you make is a step forward, so do not forget to celebrate - pat yourself on the back, call a friend, journal, make a post on social media, buy yourself something tasty or find another way to honor your progress.
  • Watch out for success anxiety – Some of us can avoid change even if it is positive change that means success. Success anxiety is a real phenomenon. Many of us can feel more relaxed with less responsibility and less success because we are comfortable with how it is now. Success can be scary and uncomfortable. As we learn to accept change, we can enjoy the success and good things that come with change and stop self-sabotaging. You are worth shining!
  • Reflect on your own unique journey – stop regularly to think about how far you have come. Maybe every week, every month or after a big challenge. You can also summarize the changes that have taken place during a year and note how they have affected you.
  • Connect with community – it can be helpful to reach out to other people who have been through a similar change. Get help from support groups, group therapy, FB groups, podcasts, IG accounts or friends and acquaintances who share the same experience.
  • Find support in nature - go out in nature and find peace and security in watching the constant change that takes place there.

This month's handpicked playlists

This month we have selected playlists that you can enjoy in nature and that will help you let go and bloom. A sweet mix of exercise, mindfulness, yoga and dance:

  • Run, Flow, Let Go – amazing classes to do outside in nature. Train cardio, strength and mobility while letting go of emotional tensions.
  • Life Force: Power from within – short talks with personal trainer Tanja Djelevic on how to find your life force and what helps you create the life you really want.
  • Meditation for inner stillness – take your meditation practice outside with these calming and grounding meditation classes.
  • Feminine awakening – open up to your inner goddess and allow yourself to challenge norms that might be holding you back.

Further reading

Video recommendations – yoga, movement and meditation online

45 min

Yoga with

Practice Sun salutations A and B as well as half of the standing sequence of the Ashtanga yoga practice.

5 min

Träna with

RFLG: Fun and challenging exercises that will help you let go of feelings of anger.

30 min

Yoga with

A practice to deeply ground and reconnect to the support and nourishment of Mother Earth.

15 min

Meditera with

Harness strength and focus through the body and mind.

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We write, create and do our utmost to inspire and guide our readers and members to balance and sustainable health. If you have requests for more knowledge on any topic, or have other inquries, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]