November on Yogobe – Boost your feel-good hormones & energy in the dark season

02 November 2021 | By Yogobe

November has a lot to give at Yogobe! All of the courses are on 50 % sale and we have a lot to read about in the blog!

Maintain healthy routines this fall and help yourself feel good

In September and October, we offered routines as a theme to feel good about as well as life hacks that simplify your everyday life. Now we step into a month where we focus a little extra on mental (un)health in general, women's health and how we can keep the energy up as the dark hours increase every day.

In the blog you can read about feel-good hormones – how we can get these up in a completely natural way and how we can awaken our motivation. You'll also read about how you can stay in good mood during the fall and winter – read about the American psychology researcher who went to Tromsø to study how Norwegians keep up the joy of the dark season.

Four tips to get a natural energy boost

  • Get out! Fresh air is good, how often have you heard it? So just do it, take a short walk or a longer one and you will probably cope with the rest of the day

November has a lot to give at Yogobe! All of the courses are on 50 % sale and we have a lot to read about in the blog!

Maintain healthy routines this fall and help yourself feel good

In September and October, we offered routines as a theme to feel good about as well as life hacks that simplify your everyday life. Now we step into a month where we focus a little extra on mental (un)health in general, women's health and how we can keep the energy up as the dark hours increase every day.

In the blog you can read about feel-good hormones – how we can get these up in a completely natural way and how we can awaken our motivation. You'll also read about how you can stay in good mood during the fall and winter – read about the American psychology researcher who went to Tromsø to study how Norwegians keep up the joy of the dark season.

Four tips to get a natural energy boost

  • Get out! Fresh air is good, how often have you heard it? So just do it, take a short walk or a longer one and you will probably cope with the rest of the day with a head feeling refreshed. If you manage to get some sun, it's a bonus (serotonin boost).
  • Set achievable goals. That feeling you get from checking the to-do list, or the childish rush of coping with something you weren't really sure if it would work, gives you a dopamine boost! Let yourself have a lovely effect of completing important tasks, and – bring out the playfulness and feel the effect of at least getting halfway up a handstand or getting a flicked pancake to fly in the frying pan as if you were a master chef for a while. More fun guaranteed. Be sure to do it with pleasure, not performance and stress!
  • Laugh, excersise and do it with good music! Yes, if we want extra endorphins, we can bring three boosters at the same time! Training, laughter and music. For example, you can joke while doing a core exercise. Your friend may think you're super weird, but you'll both get extra stomach training. Well, if it sounds a little too advanced, you can pick one of the stuff. If you only feel performance in training – think about the endorphins instead. Everything's better than nothing. If you are short on time and have the opportunity – take a break five minutes per hour for movement and you will also work or study better afterwards.
  • Get cosy! Now we're going to reveal something that the American scientist came up with, the one who went to Norway and wondered how they could be so happy in the dark. One of the ingredients is in the Norwegian "koselig" (cozy). Pet an animal (or a human if you have one who wants to get cuddled with), book a massage or just hang out with people you like! Restorative yoga is also really lovely, hugging the bolster, relaxing and cuddling yourself in blankets, can't it be one of the best autumn activities ever?

News for this month

  • Pre- & postnatal pilates – Pilates complete release a new series the 9th of November.
  • Heat – heart rate & training joy – on November 3, we release a training program for lovely, powerful energy that challenges your heart rate and strength while at the same time lifting the energy and training joy! A 21-day exercise boost for your physical as well as your mental strength – three weeks is just as long as it is said to create new habits.

All courses on 50 % discount in November-December 

Yes, you read it right! From November 15 to December 20, we have a 50% discount on all online courses! Why not give yourself an early Christmas present, or advent treat, or just reward yourself for something good you've done (for motivation's sake, and the dopamine, which we'll highlight in the blog!) Or give a present to someone you love.

Videos to boost your sense of feel-good and energy

20 min

Move with

A sweaty practice for strong and effective running.

60 min

Yoga with

Flowing through Ashtanga half primary series up to Navasana to then continue with backbends and finishing postures.

5 min

Move with

RFLG: Full body workout that will make you smile and get your heart rate going.

60 min

Yoga with

A sweet, rejuvenating and relaxing yin yoga that culminates in blissful restorative yoga for clarity.

To watch a full video you need to be logged in as a paying Yogobe member. Haven't tried Yogobe before? Try it for free during 14 days – get started here!


We write, create and do our utmost to inspire and guide our readers and members to balance and sustainable health. If you have requests for more knowledge on any topic, or have other inquries, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]